18 March 2007


The other day when I returned to the office I found the keffiyeh, or shemagh, which Esther brought me, lying on my desk. Exhilarated, I wrapped it around my head revealing only the eyes. Then, at the end of the day, apart from the "oh my god you look 100% more handsome now!", I'd harvested tens of thousands of "who you are going to bomb?" just as I expected.

The thing is nothing is so naïve these days (maybe they had never ever been), when you're in an age in which the results of a simple search on the internet could very likely be manipulated, in an age in which words get twisted and redefined and redefined and redefined till the end of time, how much credibility can you give to what they say on the telly, on the newspapers or anywhere else, like this blog?


blogagog said...

Don't go all conspiracy theory on us, Schuma! We are still in an age where people who try to mislead us get caught. And the true beauty of the way things are today is that we don't have to give much credibility to "...what they say on the telly, on the newspapers or anywhere else, like this blog."

We've got SO much information that we can form our opinion from dozens, perhaps hundreds of data points! More data=more accuracy imo.

Yokhim said...

It's true what you've said about more data = more accuracy, but the thing is, from what I've seen here, not too many people actually dedicate this amount of time to acquire information from a wide variety of sources, including me, shamefully, the only site that I frequent most of the time is BBC.

You just have to be so dedicated to keep doing that.

blogagog said...

Well, you make a good point. If you get most of your world news from the BBC and I get most of my news from other sources (I do), then we will most likely have wildly differing beliefs on what goes on in the world.

For example, in the middle east, I believe that Israel has rarely done wrong and that Islam is bad for humanity. If you truly follow the Beeb, then you will believe that Islam is fine, and Israel is the problem in that area. That you would consider wearing a keffiyeh, or rag of death, leads me to this conclusion.

There's no need to debate that issue, since my position is intractable, and I suspect your's is too. But it's interesting to note that you and I, hearing the same information, spun different ways, can come to such different conclusions.

I have to say in all honesty that I would sever my relationship with anyone who offered me a keffiyeh. And I'm not even jewish. Heck, I'm from a predominately Christian nation, but I'm not even Christian. It's just that I reject murder in the defense of religion, and the keffiyeh is a symbol of exactly that.

Yokhim said...

Quite, there's no need to debate. An interesting thing symbol is, isn't it?