07 August 2006


the end of the second year in grade school I thought the day had finally come that I had no more classes, having no knowledge of the imminent job opportunity too good to turn a blank eye on. It pays well which means I will not have to worry about not having enough fund to power my Eurasia tour due 2009 or 2010, depends on when I finished my thesis. And it gives me a safe place to store my bike in the campus: my cubicle in the office de la fac. Another big reason why I took the job was that I just love being in the uni.

Like I said the job pays well because it's full-time which translates into 8 to 5, Monday to Friday, August to July. Parts of the administration responsibilities land onto my newly acquired desk, never thought I would do administration, always thought it boring and meaningless, but well, guess that's just something you'll have to live with, compromises, you just can't have everything. Another thing about this job is that I'm having the position Magdalena used to had when I first got into the uni six years ago - giving auditory classes for freshmen and sophomores which, to be honest, worries me a bit because even though I'm a life long student, I've never been on the opposite side of the classroom so I'm not exactly sure what the hell I'm going to say, but I guess you just need time and experience with things like this. Should not be a big problem.

The wannabe problem is my thesis, it's very likely that I'm not going to finish it by the end of next year because I know myself pretty well that I'm easily distracted and not really good at time management (like now for example? when I should be studying instead of staring into the computer screen? But well, blogging is an exception because here I can have "conversations" which I don't have in my real life). I just had another look into my cell contacts and it counts 171, but still I don't see anyone that I really want to talk to except for my folks (though I never called them in such circumstances).


Anonymous said...

Big congratulations!
Just imagine you being a teacher makes me giggle...
How horrendous!

Yokhim said...

glad that someone's happy.

Pop and Tama said...

Administration....... oh! I look forward to posts of complaining... ha, no, I mean well done! But 171? Hum! That is certainly something. Now, what about that conversation we haven't had? Ah, or is it that everyone has lives now?

Alondra Turbinilla said...

La película era El Hijo de la Novia

Yokhim said...

I almost forgot about the whole thing, it's been more than 3 months since the conversation that never took place.

blogagog said...

Wow, what a perfect job for someone who likes to trek across the world. Do you get all of July and August off?

Yokhim said...

yo Kevin, I'm afriad not, first of August to the end of July. I've joined the 12 days vacation a year club.