05 September 2006

22 February 1962 – 4 September 2006

Steve Irwin died yesterday and I just can't believe it. His shows are among the few that I watched on the telly and truely enjoyed. What amazes me beyond comprehension amidst this cloud of sudden sad news is that some started to talk about politics, media manipulation and him being the disgrace to the ozzie populace, which, of course didn't come as a total surprise. Quoting Steve, "Crikey, mate. You’re far safer dealing with crocodiles and western diamondback rattlesnakes than the executives and the producers and all those sharks in the big MGM building."

The wild animals can kill you alright, but we can destroy your whole life's work and turn it into worthless shit with a slight and stylist flick of the fingers.


blogagog said...

Blech. I couldn't read past the first 5 comments in your link. It'ws amazing that so many people in that thread would post such negative things about such a cheerful, life-enjoying conservationalist who spread happiness to people across the globe.

I'm going to remember him as a brave and interesting person who died doing what he loved.

Alondra Turbinilla said...

Yo también nací un 22 de febrero...
gracias por dejar post en mi blog..


Yokhim said...

Uno siente un poco raro, no? de compartir el cumpleaños con alguien famoso. No, raro no es la palabra adecuada... no encuentro que es la palabra adecuada ahora, la cabeza no funciona muy bien en ese momento. Sabes que Joseph Conrad y yo nacimos en el mismo día?

Yokhim said...

Among those that I envy, one of them is Stevo because he was so full of life and enthusiasm which is what I am not.

Pop and Tama said...

Yeah, me too, one of those rare genuine people I think, who... live?