20 September 2006


They saw me and said that I looked worse physically everyday (they've been saying that for only god knows how long) and urged me to take some vitamin pills on a reguar basis and backing their statement up with some medical report shit.

So I snapped their argument in half, without any courtesy at all, because I'd had enough with this sort of shit, that there were 24 hours a day, no more no less, no matter how you use it, and I wasn't going to allocate that time and money to some pills and reading magazines that will make my life more difficult worrying about this and that, get trapped instead of a life. I had something better to do to enjoy my ephemeral existence on earth.

They pissed me off greatly because this whole culture of health food fetish disgusted me beyond words. And, by the way, I feel better now than before because I lead a life with a much more regular schedule, I'm yes physically busier, but I'm happier.


Pop and Tama said...

"backing their statement up with some medical report shit.

So I snapped their argument in half, without any courtesy at all, because I'd had enough with this sort of shit, that there were 24 hours a day, no more no less, no matter how you use it, and I wasn't going to allocate that time and money to some pills and reading magazines that will make my life more difficult worrying about this and that, get trapped instead of a life. I had something better to do to enjoy my ephemeral existence on earth."

Ah, and with that we're far too similar. It's amazing what can come out of peoples mouths, no?

Yokhim said...

...and what goes in as well.