28 March 2006

The Unstable Link of Modern Life

Agonizing is the word. Last night at twelve o'clock a sharp pain broke out in my stomach which lasted for approximately 5 hours until I staggered to my feet, swaying a little and made my way to the toilet forcing myself to stare into the wash basin with open mouth. After some foul smelling mushy pile dribbled onto the sink I felt much better, I checked the package and found out that it was expired two months ago. A couple of hours later the shooting pain came back visiting the host and I saw the necessity to pay the doc a visit.

After groaning on the chair and embracing my legs between the arms waiting for my turn for like forever, the nurse finally pronunced the magical name. The doc asked all the typical questions like, you know, do you smoke? drink? eat raw fish? chew betel nut? Then I found myself lying on a bed in a sinisterly looking room and a dark tube was poking around in my stomach. A gastroscope exam. Never expected the coming of this day so soon. He told me that I had an inflammation in the abdomen region and that I can't eat anything except for soy and rice milk till Thursday.

This seems like a warning, while I was writhing on my bed I thought about my future eurasia cycle tour and my smallness was brought to my attention again.

A year has passed since the first entry on this blog, I think that's pretty good for a man without great convictions (except for the faith that he has no great convictions). My goal was not to write a blockbusting blog (well, I'm definitely doing a hell of a job), but only to let my friends out there know that I'm still alive, but think I've failed on this one because only a handful is reading and most of them I've never met in my life. But well, think that's the way it is, besides I'm a proud solitary club membership card owner so that's expected. But you do learn something out of this and you become more washed out and unpredictable.

A ten day vacation is coming up, well, it's about time that I should get away from all these for a while, probably will go home and work on the short stories, dad would surely need some company, or probably will hop on Irma and go to some point on the map if my tummy's alright again by then, how does K2 sound to you? We'll see.

I'm going to stop blogging for a while, I'm growing weary.


Pop and Tama said...

Aww... for how long?

Yokhim said...

I don't know Hahn, I don't know.

Pop and Tama said...

Have I been rejected then... Where are you Schuma?

Yokhim said...

You went freaking out on me and you refuse to acknowledge your own problem while talking about some irrevelant shit pretending like everything was fine. I thought you were someone with whom I could talk to, but apparently I was wrong.

blogagog said...

Sorry to see you go Schuma. My job got very busy and I also had to quit reading/writing blogs. It's only now slowing down 2 months later, and half of the blogs I read daily are gone :(

I hope your intestinal problems have resolved themselves, and that you have an enjoyable rest of your life.

Yokhim said...

Hey, thanks for the note Kevin, good to see ya! The stomach is much better now, I'm much careful in what goes into the mouth, only once yield to the temptation of cold beer since the episode.

Well, I haven't quitted on blogging yet, just taking a break. Will probably reopen September or October. It's interesting that many blogs should gone on hibernation during the same period.

Anonymous said...

Come on, start blogging again!

Yokhim said...

Funny, when you've stopped writing for a while you don't feel like picking it up again, but when you do, even if just a few words, you feel the urge to continue.