01 November 2007


My uni staff email account expired today, 3 months after I left the position. I knew it was today, but I didn't realize today was it. It's gone, just like that, following the contingent nature of all things ever existed, are and will be brought into being. You reach out your hands in a futile attempt to contain the water falling from the shower nozzle high above. They stayed there for a while and the next second they showed their obedience to Gravity. You may ask "why?" even though you've already known the answer.

Magdalena asked me last year whether I would feel sorry should I failed to get the position. I said I wouldn't for what was there to sorry about that was never yours? Like if you were never born, you wouldn't be sorrying about your non-existence, would you? But, well, it's not an appropriate example because you do feel sad regarding, say, relationship that never has the chance to materialize which is of course never yours.


Anonymous said...

Did you know that you are irreplaceable? To me, to the staffs in SP Hall 303, to your students and to your uncountable fans…, you are the unique definitely. Although the year 2006-2007 has passed away mutely, but those sweet and sad (if you had) memories will remain in everyone’s heart. Right?
Go! Go! Bring us back the sunshine Schuma.

Yokhim said...

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, one of my favorites. It's got a happy ending, unlike the real life.

Esther said...
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Anonymous said...

Hace no mucho me dio por pensar que la vida es bella porque es Vida. No por sus finales felices, o por los logros en ella alcanzados; ni por las melancolias que nos inunden o las alegrias que nos impulsen. La Vida, como el Hombre, el Amor o la Sabiduria, esta mucho mas alla de eso: es un plano mas trascendental que permanece y siempre nos acompaña porque configura nuestro ser. Y es hermoso.

3/1/08 08:41